The Basics


  1. Name - Type name of activity.

  2. Private/My Neighborhood - Click to change to Neighborhood View to collaborate with others.

  3. Keep a copy - Click to save a separate copy.

  4. Stop - Click to stop and exit activity.


  1. Restart game - Click to restart existing game.

  2. Load game - Click to open Journal. Select and click game name to load.

  3. Grid size - Select grid size from list.

  4. Load demo game - Select preloaded demo games from list.

  5. Matched pairs - Shows successfully matched pairs for each player.

  6. Game board - Click tiles to flip over. If the pair of tiles match, they are highlighted and shown on the left side. If the pair of tiles do not match, the are flipped back over.


  1. New game - Click to start to new game.

  2. Load game - Click to load an existing game to update changes.

  3. Save game - Click to save game.

  4. Game name - Type the name of the game to be saved.

  5. Equal pairs - Tick check box if matching tiles are using the same details (picture, sound, text).

  6. Grouped game - Click to group tiles. Used for unequal pairs. Organize with first of pair labeled as '1' and second of pair labeled as '2'. For random order, leave unticked.

  7. Insert picture - Click to open the Journal to select file to insert. Inserted picture displayed in Preview box.

  8. Insert sound - Click to open the Journal to select file to insert.

  9. Pronounce text during tile flip - Click to select language to be used.

  10. Text - Type in <text> to be displayed.

  11. Preview - Previews tile.

  12. Add - Click to add tiles to game.

  13. Update - Click to update and save modifications.

  14. Matching pairs - Previews matching pairs of tiles.

  15. Delete - Click to delete pair of tiles.

Create a Memorize Game

Create Game

  1. Launch the Memorize activity.
  2. Click the Create tab.
  3. Type in a Game name.


Adding Tiles

Tile Options

Note: The text is displayed over the picture. 

  1. Click Add. The new pair of tiles are displayed on the left side.
  2. Repeat steps until all pairs are added.
  3. Click Save, to the save the game.


Play a Memorize Game

Load Game

  1. Launch the Memorize activity.
  2. Click the Play tab.
  3. Load game.

Load an existing game

Load a demo game

Note: To update grid size, select 4x4, 5x5, or 6x6 from drop down list.

Play Game

Modify a Memorize Game

Load Game

  1. Launch the Memorize activity.
  2. Click the Create tab.
  3. Click Load game. The Journal opens.

Click the game name. The Journal closes.

Modify Game

  1. Scroll through the list of pairs on the right side to find the pair of tiles to update.
  2. Click to highlight the pair of tiles. The original options are displayed on the left side.

Update the tiles

Delete the tiles

Save Game

Click Save, to the save the updated game.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and play a Memorize activity matching colors. The tiles are equal meaning each set is the same, and you will learn how to upload an image and add text. 


Before beginning, save eight color fills using the Paint activity. Use the Bucket tool to fill the color image and save.

Note: The color image saved from the Paint activity is in rectangular in size. The Memorize activity uses a square picture image aligned from the upper left. Any portion of the square not used is shown as white.

Create Game 

Launching Memorize

Launch a new Memorize activity. For further details about launching activities, refer to the Sugar manual.

Name the Game 

  1. Click the Create tab.
  2. Type in a Game name.
  3. Tick Equal pairs check box.  

Insert Pictures and Text 

  1. Click Insert picture. The Journal opens.
  2. Select and click the file name. The Journal closes and the picture is displayed in the Preview box.
  3. Type <color name> in the Text box.
  4. Click Add. The new pair of tiles are displayed on the left side.

  1. Repeat steps until all pairs are added.
  2. Click Save.


  1. Click the Play tab.
  2. Click Load game. The Journal opens.
  3. Click the file name. The Journal closes.


  1. Play game. 
  2. To replay the same game, click Restart Game.

Geography and Maps

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and play a Memorize activity matching maps to location names. The tiles do not match meaning each pair consists of a map and matching name. You will learn how to upload an image along with adding plain text.


Before beginning, save eight maps using the Browse activity. For this tutorial, eight Australian states and territories were saved using images from Wikipedia.

Note: Wikipedia is a good source for pictures as pictures are within the public domain.

Create Game

Launching Memorize

Launch a new Memorize activity. For further details about launching activities, refer to the Sugar manual.

Name the Game

  1. Click the Create tab.

  2. Type in a Game name.

Insert Pictures and Text

  1. Click Insert picture. The Journal opens.

  2. Select and click the file name. The Journal closes and the picture is displayed in the Preview box.

  3. Type <geography text> in the Text box.

  4. Click Add. The new pair of tiles are displayed on the left side.

  1. Repeat steps until all pairs are added.

  2. Click Save.


  1. Click the Play tab.
  2. Click Load game. The Journal opens.
  3. Click the file name. The Journal closes.

  1. Play game.
  2. To replay the same game, click Restart Game.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and play a Memorize activity matching English numbers to French numbers. The tiles are grouped meaning all the English numbers are numbered '1' tiles while the French numbers are numbered '2' tiles. You will learn how to use the Pronounce text during tile flip along with adding plain text.


There is no preparation for this tutorial.

Create Game

Launching Memorize

Launch a new Memorize activity. For further details about launching activities, refer to the Sugar manual.

Name the Game

  1. Click the Create tab.
  2. Type in a Game name.
  3. Click grouped game.

Insert Pictures and Text

  1. Type <English number> in Text box.
  2. Click Pronounce text during tile flip. Select <English> language from drop down list.
  3. Type <French number> in Text box.
  4. Click Pronounce text during tile flip. Select <French> language from drop down list.
  5. Click Add. The new pair of tiles are displayed on the left side.

    1. Repeat steps until all pairs are added.

    2. Click Save.


    1. Click the Play tab.
    2. Click Load game. The Journal opens.
    3. Click the file name. The Journal closes.

    1. Play game.
    2. To replay the same game, click Restart Game.


    In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and play a Memorize activity matching pictures and sounds. The tiles are grouped meaning all the pictures are numbered '1' tiles while the sounds are numbered '2' tiles. You will learn how to upload an image and upload a sound.


    Before beginning, save eight pictures using the Browse activity. Copy eight matching sounds files from an USB memory stick and save to the Journal.

    Note: Wikipedia is a good source for pictures as pictures are within the public domain.

    Create Game

    Launching Memorize

    Launch a new Memorize activity. For further details about launching activities, refer to the Sugar manual.

    Name the Game

    1. Click the Create tab.
    2. Type in a Game name.
    3. Click grouped game.

    Insert Pictures and Text

    1. Click Insert picture. The Journal opens.
    2. Select and click the file name. The Journal closes and the picture is displayed in the Preview box.
    3. Click Insert sound. The Journal opens.
    4. Select and click the file name.
    5. Click Add. The new pair of tiles are displayed on the left side.

    1. Repeat steps until all pairs are added.
    2. Click Save.


    1. Click the Play tab.
    2. Click Load game. The Journal opens.
    3. Click the file name. The Journal closes.

    1. Play game.
    2. To replay the same game, click Restart Game.